Friday, October 30, 2009


1) Have Breakfast
  • Breakfast makes you smarter. A good breakfast replenishes your body and blood sugar levels, giving your brain the kick-start it need to concentrate better, think faster and think longer. You will also feel more nourished and satisfied making you less likely to snack or eat extra for the rest of the day.

2) Get A Good Night's Sleep

  • Getting enough snooze time may be the best diet secret of all! Research shows those who sleep less than five hours a night are 70 per cent more likely to be obese. Sleep loss affects hormone levels in your body, making you think that you are hungry. It also affects your metabolism making it difficult to maintain weight loss.

3) Learn To Love Water

  • Drinking water may play a role in the regulation of your metabolism, your body's calorie-burning engine. If you become dehydrated, your metabolism slow down, meaning you won't burn as many calories as normal while at rest. In addition, ample water may reduce appetite and control food intake by making you feel full.

4) Breathe To De-Stress

  • Stress causes you to hold your breath, take shallow breaths or hyperventilate causing further stress to the body. It also increases the level of cortisol, which slows down the metabolism and makes you crave fatty, salty and sugary foods! So the next time you feel stressed, instead of going for food remeber to breathe.

5) Eat All Your Meals

  • Many think that skipping meals will help in weight loss, but in reality, you might end up putting on weight. Your body needs a constant flow of energy and nutrients to increase your metablism and burn fat. If you make a habit of skipping meals, your body will think that you are starving and your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy! Remember that regular meal and snack times will help to maintain the optimal metabolism for weight loss.

6) Healthy Eating-Out Options

  • When eating out, look for steamed, boiled, baked, grill or roasted foods on the menu. When in doubt, just opt for salad, no matter how boring your date thinks of you!

7) Drink Smart

  • When it comes to choosing a beverage, don't drink soda--whether it's sugared or diet soda. It'll put weight on you, dehydrate you and deplete the minerals from your system. Instead, go for sparkling water, ices teas, green tea and white tea, which have been shown to burn more at and up to 78 more calories per day.

8) Cook At Home

  • It takes more time, but preparing a dish at home rather than picking up a pre-made version not only saves you money, but it also ensures your dish is healthier because you dictate the amount of oil or salt it contains. Best of all, this guarantees no hidden preservatives.

9) Get Rid Of Junk Food

  • You can't eat if it's not there, so rid your home, office and car of food that are't nutritious or that will cause you to overeat. Replace problem foods with healthy choices, like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, lean meats and poultry, and low-fat dairy products.

10) How Much To Eat?

  • Just avoid portions that are larger than your fist. Anything more than that is too much!

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