Wednesday, November 18, 2009

~ How to Make a Mummy ~

=> The body is placed on a flat surface and is cut at the abdomen. The lungs, liver, intestines and stomach are removed to be mummified separately. The heart, believed to contain the person's essence and intelligence, is left in the body.
=> The brain, believed to have no purpose except to accelerate the decomposition process, is removed by first breaking the thin bone that separates the crnial and nasal cavities. A hooked rod is inserted and used to stir the brain tissue until it liquefies so that it can be drained out through the nose.
=> The cranial cavity is then swabbed with linen and hot resin is used to seal it.
=> The body is washed inside and out with water and palm wine, and packed with the internal organs in a special salt called natron for 40 days to dry out the body.
=> The body and organs are wrapped in linen strips ans sealed with resin. Amulets to protect the body are placed in the wrappings. The mummified body is now ready for burial. The entire process takes 70 days.

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