Wednesday, November 18, 2009


'Our crazy weather patterns are not a coincidence. As the ozone things temperature rise, experts are scrambling to analyse what effects are taking place and what is being done. Find out what is going on around the world and how they are adapting to the change':


Effect: In a Bangladesh village, water levels from the Bay of Bengal is rising and making its way into water supplies, polluting the once clear freshwater rivers with tiny white crystals. As a result paddy farms in the village are suffering, producing poor quality rice that does not sell.

Solution: Unable to put up with poor rice sales, farmers are making use of the salty water by turning to shrimp farming instead. However, shrimp farming requires less labour hence contributing to unemployment.


Effect: With sea levels rising as much as 59cm by 2100, most parts of the Maldives that are merely 0.9m above sea level, are expected to be fully submerged by water within 25 years. Already, a few islands have been evacuated.

Solution: Homeless islanders have relocated to a rectangular artificial island named Hulhumale atop an underwater reef. So far, it also includes an airport and tiny Club Med. By its completion in 2020, about 150,000 people will set up homes there as their tiny country sinks. In the long run however, the government is looking to buy land in Sri Lanka, India and Australia.


Effect: In 2007, UN reported that one third of the Earth's population would fall victim to desertification - the spreading of sand. With the Sahara expanding 48km annually, large areas have been overtaken by sand. In Iran, a sand storm buried 124 villages while in Kazakhstan, more than 80 per cent of their cropland have been affected.

Solution: Currently, there are proposals to build a 6000km wall out of solidified sand across the Sahara. Other preventative measures include planting trees to form a green belt ala the Great Wall of China.

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