Sunday, September 13, 2009

The 6 Travel Experience Phases

Phase 1: Anticipating a Trip
~ imagination and enthusiasm develop. The trip may never actually occur, but still conributes to one's happiness through anticipation. The studying of maps, brochures, or travel-related articles helps to build the anticipation
Phase 2: Planning a Trip
~ gathering supplies and equipment, getting airline tickets, hotel reservations, passports, packing, physical training, especially if the motivation is sports participation or similar activity
Phase 3: Initial Travel to the Site
~ This is one of the important parts in the trip planning stage. Once the tourist arrives they will take things a little slower and enjoys the surroundings
Phase 4: Participation
~ although the trip may be relatively short, such as driving to Kota Kinabalu for the Dragon Boat Race the drive to Kota Kinabalu may take a full day and the game may take only 3-4 hours, one can be full satisfied if they are able to participate or witness the events
Phase 5: Returning
~ this is the gearing-down when we get our minds back on what needs to be done at home or at the job. It can become an experience independent of the participation phase. Taking alternate routes often enhances the whole experience when care is taken to plan activities different from those planned for the initial travel phase
Phase 6: Recollecting Joys and Follies
~ Participation is relieved through pictures, stories and memories. At times, the experience develops new significance and gains embellishments during the recollection phase

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