Sunday, September 13, 2009

Social Problems Created by Tourism

- traffic congestion is a major problem, especially on routes to and from the seaside and large attractions
- for example: parking once the tourist has arrived at the destination is an additional problem as once car parks are full, roadside will be used
Local Community:
- tourist demand for water supplies for example in Goa, India, one hotel uses as much water as five local villages
- pressure is created on local health services to cater for tourist's ailments instead of local needs
- shops sell souvenirs instead of products needed by locals for example foodstuffs and prices ae inflated as a result
- crime such as burglary may increase as a result of tourism
Other socio-cultural effects may include clash of values:
- visitors may bring in 'taboo' clture for example drinking, sexual acts and increase the introduction of prositution,gambling and drugs
- local may lose sight of their unique culture, tradition, religion and lifestyle
- consumption behaviour change in choice of food for example imported goods are seen as superior to their own local items results in rejection of local goods
- more people move to the tourism and developed destination area resulting to a more crowded environment

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