Sunday, September 13, 2009

Barriers to Tourism Acceptance

Barriers :
- increases in many different types of crime
- introduction or increase of undesireable activities such as prositution, gambling or drunkeness
- increases in air, water, land and noise pollution
- increases in congestion at swimming areas, shopping centers, restaurants, parks and roadways
- proliferation of 'tacky' souvenirs based on local arts and crafts
- building of racial tension, especially where obvious differences exist between guests and their hosts
- increases in cost of food, rent, transportation and labor
- increases in cost of police and fire protection, sewage and water and possibly airports
- changes in the work force, such as an increase of workers in low-paid, menial jobs characteristics of many hotels and restaurants
- decline in cultural pride
- lowering of the overall community's feeling of happiness asa result of serving those who have more
- upheaval of the community's status quo with the 'feast or famine' experiences of seasonal tourism

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