Sunday, March 28, 2010


1) Stress Less
~ Stress is an undeniable part of life. It comes in handy in emergency situations, but for most of us, it continues for a long period of time. This is when the body is thrown off balance and starts to exhibit signs of ill health, like headaches and digestive and emotional problems. Keep stress at bay with deep breathing, leisurely strolls, meditation, chanting, and listening to soft music. Or you can do anything else that makes you feel good, like relaxing with friends, travelling or enjoying a hobby.

2) Follow The Pyramid
~ The food pyramid has been around for a while, but it's still referred to when it comes to a balanced diet because it makes sound sense! At the base of pyramid are items that you should consume the most, such as cereals and pulses. The second tier consists of fruits and veggies, while the third contains items that are to be consumed moderately, like milk and meat products. At the very top are things to eat sparingly, like oils and fats. The internet is replete with this guide; simply print one out and keep handy when you plan your meals, or get one from your doctor.

3) Get Checked
~ Regular check-ups are a big part of keeping healthy. Keep track of changes in your sugar levels, blood pressure, haemoglobin count, urine analysis, cholesterol and lipid profile, liver function test, ECG and chest X-rays.

4) Move It
~ As you already know, exercising is good for you in so many ways. Not only does it promote weight loss, it also leaves you feeling happier, calmer and more relaxed; it combats chronic illness like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancers; it works your heart and lungs more efficiently and gives you more energy to do the things you love and last but certainly not least, it helps you sleep better, provided you don't exercise too close to bedtime. Find out what activities work for you and remember to wear the right shoes and outfit and don't over-exert yourself.

5) Water Works
~ Water is very important for good health. About 60 per cent of your body weight consists of water and every system in your body requires it to function optimally. Water aids in getting rid of toxins, eliminating wastes, regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, assisting in digestion processes and much more. Lack of water leads to dehydration, signs of which include fatigue, headaches, dizziness, little or no urination and a dry mouth, among other problems.

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