Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Types of Maps Used While Travelling

A) Flat Maps
=> Come in many varieties with the 'Mercator Projection'. The most commonly used. Flat maps are somewhat distorted because it shows the whole image of our actual curve earth. Maps that can lie flat 'lie' not accurate.

B) Route Maps
=> A useful reference tool. Each airline often distributes a map that shows ail the routes that it flies.

C) Locator Maps
=> These are often found in travel industry reference books. Usually representing a small area, such as a city, a help to find the locations of attractions a hotels. Locator maps indicate places through a grid of numbers and letters rather than with the degree of a conventional map.

D) Mental Maps
=> A mental map represents the way you picture geography in your mind. A deceiving feature of mental maps, the farther away a destination is, the more simple, close together and more error prone its features become in your mind.

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