Friday, March 26, 2010

~How To Get Rid Of That Pest!!~


=> Adopt a cat or a dog and you'll end the problem of rodents. However, if you're not an animal lover or are unable to spare the time to nurture a pet, this option is not for you. There are a number of traps (including the heartless snap trap) that are available to capture these pests, and the most humane of all is a normal catch trap that captures the rat in a cage. Do not drown the animal or pour boiling water on it once it is captured. Simply drive away with it to a far-away destination and release it. If this sounds like hard work, then get your act together and keep your home surroundings clean. Most pests are simply looking for a meal. Don't kill them for your sloppiness.

=> These nocturnal creatures love warm, humid areas, so if your home is cooled by the air-conditioner, they're less likely to be around. However, go around your home looking for points of entry. Spray an insect repellent along these entry points every two weeks. Keeping your home free from other insects and bugs will reduce the lizard's food supply, so put the insect repellent to good use. If you've spotted a lizard, you can either kill it it instantly with an insect spray or allow it to wander off, making a note of where it dwells. Then simply place sticks of cinnamon in these areas--the sweet, strong smell of cinnamon will deter them from returning.

=> These are probably the most difficult of house pests to get rid off. The cleaner you keep your home, the less reason they have doing business there! This means no unwashed dishes in the counter top and no crumbs on your floors. The best way of ridding them is to destroy its colony (with hot boiling water) if you can find it. To deter them from making your home their second home, try sprinkling cornmeal along their trail. After the ants it and consume water, the cornmeal swells inside their digestive organs, causing death.

=> If you don't get rid of a cockroach the minute you see it, you could have a colony of them in your hands soon enough! To keep them away, spray all your drainage outlets with a roach repellent weekly. Pouring cheap bleach down these outlets also does the trick. You could either install cockroach traps or use a cockroach bait. If you've run out of commercial cockroach spray, simply use a combination of soap and water and spray this on the roach. The soapy water causes them to suffocate.

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