Friday, March 26, 2010

~A Stand Against GANGSTERISM~


a) Protection : Victims of bullies who are afraid to seek help from teachers and family see a gang membership as a means of protection. It is their idea of a solution to the torment and threat they are subjected to.

b)Fast Money : Since our materialistic society advocates spending, it is no surprise why some children see gangs' drugs and criminal activities as a shortcut to getting rich.

c) Retaliation : Sometimes, helpless children join a gang to gather manpower for revenge against those who have inflicted pain or damage on their friends and family.

d) Excitement : Getting into fights and escaping the authorities appear to be exciting in action flicks. And children(especially teenagers) who are always up for a thrill, see gang activities as the perfect avenue to live the experience.

e) Sense of Belonging : Peer pressure can be dangerous. When children have friends or family who belong to gangs, they too, will follow their lead in an attempt to 'fit in'.

f) Fellowship : Those who are deprived of love and attention at home often turn to gangsterism because it offers them the idea of being in a new family where love, loyalty and respect are in abundance.


~ To raise a good kid, you first have to model positive behaviour
~ Cultivate an open and loving relationship. Let them know that you care and make yourself approachable. Most importantly, if they tell you something in confidence, keep it that way. If you feel that you cannot, let them know before passing on the information.
~ Promote a healthy discussion on sensitive issues such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, gangs and sexual involvement. Make your expectations clear but do not be overbearing.
~ Know who your children are spending time with and monitor their after school activities.
~ Set an appropriate curfew and make sure they stick to it. Remember to also praise good behaviour.
~ Take note of unusual changes in their attire. Certain gangs tend to dress a certain way. Some extremists will also go to the extent of getting a tattoo of the gang's logo.
~ Look out for behavioral changes: frequent loss of temper, violence and truancy. Also be aware if your child suddenly has extra money that cannot be accounted for.
~ If you notice any suspicious gangs harassing your child, inform the authorities.

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