Sunday, March 28, 2010


1) Habitual Curiosity
=> By reflexively assessing their surroundings, it helps them to quickly comprehend a situation. This includes reading the emotional states of others in the same situation. The more quickly they grasp the total picture of what is happening, the better their chances of survival.

2) Ability To Stay Calm
=> Telling yourself to 'stay calm' and 'relax' is useful. Several deep breaths will help. Anger, fear and panic narrows what a person sees and reduces response choices. Being calm improves awareness and effective actions.

3) Sense of Humour and Playfulness
=> Playful humour is said to aid the ability to survive. While a high level of emotional arousal can create super-human strength, when a person is highly emotional, he or she is less able to solve problems and make precise, coordinated movements. Laughing, on the other hand, reduces tension and helps improve efficiency. Humour also leads to more creative solutions.

4) Being Open to New Ideas and Possibilities
=> Survivors are able to consider a wide-range of response choices. This inner flexibility increases their survival chances and gives them an advantage over people who are limited to what they've been taught to do.

5) Self-confidence and Self-appreciation
=> Those who deal with everyday situations in a positive manner fare well as survivors. These are people who habitually convert mistakes into valuable lessons.

6) Ability to Get Over It
=> Survivors don't waste time dwelling in regrets and dissapointment of the past as this is counterproductive. The best way to survive is to deal with the situation at hand.

7) Quick Adaptability
=> Survivors are able to improvise on the spot and take charge of the situation using their knowledge and materials at hand.

8) Emotionally Committed
=> Survivors are able to an emotional commitment to handle what is happening and are able to focus on finding a way to succeed. They never give up!

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