Wednesday, March 24, 2010


1) Direct Flight
-> A direct flight (through flight contains one or more intermediate stops at which the passengers does nor change planes). Direct service also means single plane service because there is no change in flight number.

2) Nonstop Flight
-> A non-stop flight contains no intermediate stops, the passenger are carried through directly to their intended destination. It is also single plane service because there is no change of flight number. This is the most desirable type of flight service.

3) Connecting Flight
-> A connecting flight has one or more intermediate stops that require passenger to change aircraft and flight number. A single connection requires the passenger to change planes once at a connecting airport. A double connection requires the passenger to change planes twice at 2 connecting airports. Most connecting flight service are single connections. There are 2 types of single or double connections.

4) On-line Connection
~ Is a connection with a change aircraft and flight number within the same airline.

5) Off-line Connection
~ Is a connection with a change of aircraft and flight number between 2 different airlines. This is also called interline connection.

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